Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Harout  Armenian hoghe  25 dance hits 
 2. Dance Kavkaz melody  Armenian  Rusik Mega Cool Musik 
 3. Dance Kavkaz melody  Armenian 2  Rusik Mega Cool Musik 
 4. Djanikian, Greg  How We Practiced Being Armenian  Kelly Writers House, UPenn; February 20, 2007 
 5. Gregory Djanikian  The Armenian Question  ICA UPenn / Oct-17-2003 
 6. 1979 Gala / Fran�ois Tommasini  Armenian Dances   
 7. 1980 Gala / Fran�ois Tommasini  Armenian Dances   
 8. 2003 Gala Chronology / Marc Meyers  Armenian Dances   
 9. Djanikian, Greg  Armenian Primer  Kelly Writers House, UPenn; February 20, 2007 
 10. Djanikian, Greg  How We Practiced Being Armenian  Kelly Writers House, UPenn; February 20, 2007 
 11. Djanikian, Greg  Armenian Pastoral  Kelly Writers House, UPenn; February 20, 2007 
 12. Djanikian, Greg  Armenian Primer  Kelly Writers House, UPenn; February 20, 2007 
 13. Djanikian, Greg  Armenian Pastoral  Kelly Writers House, UPenn; February 20, 2007 
 14. DJ DST  Tarpinian - Armenian   
 15. State Academic Chapel of Armenia, Symphony Orchestra of TV and Radio of Armenia  Anthem of Armenian SSR  National Anthems of the USSR and Union Republics 
 16. State Academic Chapel of Armenia, Symphony Orchestra of TV and Radio of Armenia  Anthem of Armenian SSR  National Anthems of the USSR and Union Republics 
 17. Farragut Symphonic Band  Armenian Dances   
 18. Analemma  Armenian Duduk with Whales  There's No Place Like Ohm 
 19. Bomb the Music Industry!  Armenian Idiot Is Not Funny  Live in Columbia 07/03/2006 
 20. Comidas Band  Armenian Caucasian Dance  Rendevous In Armenia 
 21. Usaf Band Of Mid-America  Armenian Dances, Part I  One of Our Own: Alfred Reed 
 22. Brass Band of the USSR Ministry of Defence, Aram Khachaturian, cond.  Anthem of Armenian SSR, instrumental version  LP, mother record no. 1656(a) 
 23. Brass Band of the USSR Ministry of Defence, Aram Khachaturian, cond.  Anthem of Armenian SSR, instrumental version  LP, mother record no. 1656(a) 
 24. Brass Band of the USSR Ministry of Defence, Aram Khachaturian, cond.  Anthem of Armenian SSR, short instrumental version   
 25. Brass Band of the USSR Ministry of Defence, Aram Khachaturian, cond.  Anthem of Armenian SSR, short instrumental version   
 26. Views On News  Yeghishe Kirakosyan, Armenian Diplomat Program  The Fletcher School, Tufts University 
 27. Kenneth Woods  Berio- Loosin yelav (Armenian Folk Song)  Kenneth Woods Website selections 
 28. E. La Foret  Track 1 - Vali - Persian Folk Songs - Armenian Song  Graduate Recital 
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